In the spirit of passing on the wisdom of an elderly client, I share this with those of you who are elderly, middle aged or young and in relationship with someone elderly or middle aged. First of all those of us that are elderly or middle aged probably do not call ourselves this - and yet, it is where we are in life! Here is the essence of what this wise man said to me: Growing old gracefully is a series of adjustments. When he said it, I got it as well as I could, but he could probably tell I just had a vague notion of what he was really trying to share. So he proceeded to physically demonstrate it. He is a tall stately gentleman with a receded hairline, wearing a soft plaid shirt, and khaki slacks as he sat in the chair in front of my desk. He suddenly curled up his long leg and stretched it forth towards my forehead and put his foot on my desk! He said, “See! This is an adjustment I made. I only wear comfortable sensible shoes! And, look here (as he pointed to his chest pocket on ...
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