Every now and then the courts work the way they are supposed to and reverse an egregious and heartbreaking trial court error. Every now and then justice prevails -- not in theory but in the lives of real people, real parents, and real children. Today the Michigan Court of Appeals unanimously reversed trial court's stripping of children from their mother who gave birth, parented and cared for them for seven years. Today she was restored as apparent able to participate in the medical care, education and parenting of her children and she is no longer relegated as a "third party" without rights. The court issued an additional opinion recognizing the other non-genetic parents constitutional right to parent regardless of whether they have given birth. Read for yourself our victory and the real result we were able to accomplish through the expertise and partnership of Attorney Cathy Sakimura and her colleagues from the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Attorney Jay Kaplan from the ...
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I have seen both sides of sexual assault allegations. I have represented persons defending allegations. I have held the hands of those that have been abused. Here are some considerations in this heightened for all persons that may help a person that may be victimized or a person that may be accused: 1) APPS TO RECORD. Get one of those handy apps to record (Awesome Voice Recorder Pro, Voice Recorder & Audio Editor by Tap Media Ltd., etc.)and put it on your home screen so it is easily accessible. If you find yourself in a situation, it may be helpful to record conversations or happenings -- if at all possible. 2) TELL SOMEONE. If you find yourself assaulted, no matter the shame, guilt, fear, or other appropriate response. Tell someone! No matter how counter-intuitive and challenging it is. Tell someone! 3) GET HELP. Find a therapist, counselor, pastor, or other professional that is qualified to help you through being assaulted or being accused. You will need support to address the aftermath of assa ...
Divorce is an emotional and challenging time. No one gets married planning for divorce. Yet, it is becoming more and more common. Although divorces are about so much more, from a legal perspective they are about care of the children and division of property. Here are five quick tips to consider that are often overlooked because a person is not legally entitled to these items: 1) TUITION. A custodial parent is entitled to child support and certain calculated percentages of uninsured medical expenses, but not tuition. Ask for it! It benefits your child and can make a huge difference. Whether college tuition and expenses, or private school tuition, it is a real expense that will need to be paid and planned for -- preferably in advance. 2) HEALTH INSURANCE. Although you are entitled to pay for continued health insurance coverages for anywhere from 18-36 months. Why not ask for your soon to be ex-spouse to pay your premiums for you for a transitional period? 3) PASSPORT & WRITTEN PERMISSION TO TR ...