There is a story to tell! The old, old story… the story that reminds us all we are loved and God is real! Whatever your personal confession (e.g., Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Buddhist, etc.), I invite you to use your gifts, skills and abilities to tell the story. What story? The story that uplifts us all… a story where all people matter, creation is honored, and people experience love and wholeness. Each of us has an expression of love, life,  and faith that connects us to God and to one another. 
     Tell The story that moves life forward in ways that honor all people. What story? The story that makes THE story real for people. Share the story that gives life to people. Share your source of inspiration that includes and uplifts all people. Share with people the story that tell people! Not only what you believe, but also what you have to offer and share with others. You have resources, know people, have have much to to say! So tell the story that inspires you and share what you have to offer: your faith, your testimony, and your gifts. You are an inspiration and people need to know. So just tell it!